MIDAS© Standard
Estandar MIDAS - Modelo Integral de Abastecimiento

Introducing the MIDAS© Standard - Comprehensive Supply Model, to the different Professional Purchasing Associations of the various Latin American countries, as their greatest contribution to the professionalization of the supply and purchasing activity in the region.
MIDAS© was developed by the Association of Procurement Proffessionals - ACOPC
MIDAS© is the result of the compilation of the best global supply practices, and has been developed with the aim of bringing the application of the most advanced theories in purchasing management to daily practice in any company, in an easy and effective, as it has been implemented in leading world-class companies.
The MIDAS© Standard is defined as international, since it can be applied in any Spanish-speaking country, although it has been designed for the commercial and cultural conditions of Latin America, of all economic segments.
- It applies to companies of all sizes: organizations of large corporations, large companies, medium and small companies (SMEs) as well as micro-enterprises:
- Of private or mixed shareholding composition governed by private law.
- For public or mixed sector companies that are not governed by private law, apply under the following notes:
- A large majority of the constituent elements of the MIDAS Standard can be widely applied for this type of public sector company.
- As foreseen in its wording, some elements of the Standard may not be applicable to these companies, and instead the organization must refer to what is established in the laws for this type of organization.

MIDAS© is made up of 3 different and complementary volumes, to present a truly integrated model, which deals with all aspects of the supply process in all its environments: Operational, Tactical, Managerial and Strategic.
Standard has been designed for a vertical implementation and construction from the basic definitions to the incorporation of the best sourcing practices..